Monday, April 30, 2007


Jump, she told him. And he did, one leap at a time, staggering, imbalanced, almost falling as he moved closer to her.
Through the hoop, yes, that’s it. She demanded and watched unmercifully as he obediently followed.
Why does he listen? She wondered, and why is it a natural instinct for her to continuously pin him to the corner, push him to the extreme…


T-Sauce said...

Farrr... poet in the making, sounds like this poem has so much tension you can cut it with a pair of scissors.. I wonder if this is based on actual events.. lol

Just randomly decided to jump on your blog and say hi.. wasn't expecting a ground breaking, heart throbbing poem.. as to how i perceived it, but i could be wrong OW! Knowing me i is wrong...Keep up the poetry in motion..

Hope your enjoying Melbourne, everyone here misses you in Auckland, especially ya hunny bunny - An to da Na..

Anna and Allee said...

Yepppp just expressing my thoughts through portraying an image, an imaginative moment, rather than literally writing what I am thinking of... :)
So no, not based on real event... can you picture me making someone jump through a hoop?! no way >.<

T-Sauce said...

you have a vivid imagination.. hmmm.. well you can be quite the tamer, so with you.. it can be possible.. maybe on a drunken night.. but make sure you don't hold the hoop near a window.. lol..